Meet Summit Sales' Newest Team Member - Austin Piper


We are excited to welcome Austin to the Summit Sales team as our newest sales rep for Oregon and Idaho! With years of experience as a buyer with a passion for the outdoors, he’s already proving to be a huge asset to the team. Learn more about Austin in the interview below.

Where are you from?

             I am originally from the Dallas area in Texas, but most recently had spent the better part of the last eight years living in the Front Range in Colorado.  In between Texas and Colorado, I also had stints in Arkansas, California, and Utah.

What were you doing prior to joining Summit Sales?

             I most recently had been working for an independent gear shop in Colorado, managing the sales floor, buying for two of the departments, boot fitting, and plenty of various other hats you find yourself wearing working at an independent shop.  We had a wonderful five year run there with lots of great adventures and even better friendships.  

Outside of work, what is your activity of choice?

             That is really a toss up between climbing and skiing for me!   Any day where I get to slide around on some snow or scamper on some rocks is a great day in my book.  I also enjoy trail running, the occasional summer backpacking trip, and have been known to have varying degrees of affection for motorcycles and mountain bikes at certain times.  

Favorite snack to eat while playing in the outdoors?

             Chips – specifically, any sort of spicy kettle chip.  Crunchy, salty, spicy snacks are what make me happiest in the backcountry.  I love these sorts of chips so much that I named my cat after them.  The grease that gets on your hand and the difficulty in transporting the chips in a way that they don’t get too smushed certainly presents some challenges when playing outside, but something so wonderful is worth the extra effort.

Any upcoming adventures?

             I am hoping to ski a volcano or two in the PNW this spring, and hopefully do some climbing in Squamish this summer.  My wife and I are also going to Europe this summer for our honeymoon to do some exploring and adventuring.

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