Innovation and tradition share equally deep roots at SCARPA, which today remains a family owned company with its headquarters and performance footwear manufacturing facilities in the same regions of northern Italy where it got its start in 1938.
Founded in Asolo, in the Montebelluna region, an area long known for its quality, handcrafted footwear, SCARPA's initial mission was to bring together all the best shoemakers in the Asolo area toward the goal of producing the best footwear anywhere. SCARPA stands for Società Calzaturiera Asolana Riunita Pedemontana Anonima, which means Associated Shoe Manufacturing Company of the Asolo Mountain Area.
Everything begins with the knowledge of people’s demands because finding solutions without understanding the issues is impossible. Having a grasp of what people are looking for is the first step in understanding the mindset and value of SCARPA, a commitment the company has been keeping since 1938.
SCARPA knows how to listen to the needs of any athlete, any aficionado or even the beginner who is just starting to explore a new passion.
“We are passionate about performance”
SCARPA has many firsts to its name, including being the first to build a Gore-Tex boot and the first to develop a plastic telemark skiing boot, and introduced in 2007, the first telemark and alpine touring compatible boot.
We are passionate about our sports; we are passionate about boot making; we are passionate about performance.